[Côte d’azur] Systemic Team Coaching Webinar – 24 novembre 2022

24 Nov 2022 - 18:00 - 20:00  + Ajouter à mon Agenda Google  + iCal export


Do you aspire to be a more curious, courageous, compassionate and mindful leader?  Do you wish to simplify and bring more joy into your work life?

Then join Jacqui Syndercombe and Andrew Prior, on the 24th of November at 18h00 (France time zone) on Zoom for a complementary session on Systemic Team Coaching: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87290523755?pwd=cmlhRUZ2VGEya3lnVzErcmpyZEhIUT09, Meeting ID: 872 9052 3755 Passcode: 674071

In this 2 hour webinar you will learn about why systemic coaching is important for you and your stakeholders, how you can apply it in your organisation, and what you can do to make it happen.

We live in a complex and volatile world where change and disruption have become the norm.  Businesses are often faced with a demotivated workforce, increased burnout, absenteeism, high staff turnover rates and daily operational risks.  In addition, there are increased demands from the larger ecosystem – governments, clients, investors, and competitors to name a few.  The rules of the game appear to have changed and there is more pressure on organisations to become responsible towards all stakeholders.  As a manager or business owner you still need to deliver and generate profits, often with fewer resources and in less time.

Systemic Team Coaching will help you and your teams to look at your organisation through different lenses: your own, those of your stakeholders’, and the wider ecosystem’s.  Together we explore your interdependencies and unlock the wider potential.  You will develop the leadership capacities, capabilities, tools, methods and skills to create increased awareness of your current situation and assist the teams in identifying what is needed to achieve their objectives in line with their common purpose.  You will learn how to empower individuals and encourage them to bring their whole selves to work, to be alert to signals for change, to communicate, co-create and collaborate to find transformative solutions.

Speakers :        

Jacqui Syndercombe – ACC Coach and Systemic Coach Pratictioner

Jacqui is a multi-cultural (French and South African) coach who has been living in the South of France for the last 21 years.  After working in financial and administrative positions in multi-national organisations for most of her career, in 2020 she embarked on a new career as a Systemic Team Coach.   She was convinced that there was a more generative and inclusive way of doing business.  In 2021 she started her own company to accompany leaders on their path to transformation – a journey to create shared and responsible leadership so that all stakeholders thrive.

Andrew Prior – Systemic Coach Pratictioner

Andrew grew up in Scotland and has lived in England, USA, Spain, Germany, Denmark and France.  He has expertise in systemic team coaching, process consulting, lean, agile and continuous improvement, creative problem solving, team development, conflict management, emotional intelligence, organisation structure design, value systems and cultural change.

Andrew has over 30 years’ experience working with global organisations as a leader and facilitator-coach of systemic team and organisational development. He accompanies leaders and their teams along the journey of transformation towards a more conscious organisation and society.

Both are members of the Climate Coaching Alliance (CCA)



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