Chaleureuses félicitations ! La présidente 2021 du Board Coachs Professionnels de l’International Coaching Federation sera une présidente française 🇫🇷, rattachée au Chapter France. Nous nous réjouissons que notre Fédération bénéficie de l’expérience, du professionnalisme et de l’enthousiasme de Catherine Tanneau, qui était déjà vice-présidente l’année précédente.
Rappelons que Catherine a activement contribué au développement de notre Fédération, notamment en assurant la présidence ICF France en 2014-2015 🙏🏼
Voici la composition 2021 du Board des Coachs professionnels de l’International Coachs Federation.
- Catherine Tanneau, MCC (France), ICF Professional Coaches Global Board Chair
- Tonya Echols, PCC (USA)
- Rajat Garg, MCC (India)
- Emily Kamunde-Osoro, ACC (Kenya)
- Kevin Kan, PCC (Singapore)
- Rosarii Mannion, PCC (Ireland)
- Linda McLoughlin, PCC (Ireland/United Arab Emirates)
- Kaveh Mir, PCC (United Kingdom)
- Marjorie Woo, MCC (USA/China)
- Sara Smith, MCC (United States), Immediate Past Chair (non-voting member)
Voici le texte officiel de l’annonce :
Catherine Tanneau, MCC (France), was elected to a one-year term as the 2021 ICF Professional Coaches Global Board Chair, as well as being selected for her second two-year term.
Emily Kamunde-Osoro, ACC (Kenya), and Linda McLoughlin, MCC (Ireland/UAE), were elected to serve for second two-year terms as ICF Professional Coaches Global Board Directors.
Tonya Echols, PCC (USA), and Kevin Kan, PCC (Singapore), were elected to the 2021 ICF Professional Coaches Global Board of Directors for one, two-year term.
The 2021 ICF Professional Coaches Global Board of Directors will be comprised of:
- Catherine Tanneau, MCC (France), ICF Professional Coaches Global Board Chair
- Tonya Echols, PCC (USA)
- Rajat Garg, MCC (India)
- Emily Kamunde-Osoro, ACC (Kenya)
- Kevin Kan, PCC (Singapore)
- Rosarii Mannion, PCC (Ireland)
- Linda McLoughlin, PCC (Ireland/United Arab Emirates)
- Kaveh Mir, PCC (United Kingdom)
- Marjorie Woo, MCC (USA/China)
- Sara Smith, MCC (United States), Immediate Past Chair (non-voting member)
The 2021 ICF Professional Coaches Global Board Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Director of Strategic Initiatives officer positions will be elected by the ICF Professional Coaches Global Board of Directors in December 2020.
On behalf of ICF, a heartfelt thank you to our volunteer members involved in the nomination and election process and to everyone who used their voice through a vote.
Have a safe and healthy end of the year.
Kind regards,
Ann Rindone
Vice President, ICF Professional Coaches